Tired of judgement
I have to post this cause it's driving me crazy. I'm experiencing a problem, not on the GA board, but a little on the main board and quite a bit on an email group for my surgeon.
I have begun experimenting with foods that are further down on my surgeon's list. I was so tired of being nauseaus from the liquid diet and never being even vaugely full that I began experimenting with soft foods.
This revelation has caused quite a stir in other folks. I waver on this reaction between guilt and rebellion.
The honest truth is that nothing has hurt my pouch, I've never felt too full, I'm very careful with my portions and my attitude is, it's my life. I finally feel full and like I'm getting some strength back.
I'm so tired of people acting like they have all the answers and they're dead correct. Who can say with all honesty that they've never tried something ahead of schedule?
How should I feel about people trying to dictate to me? Am I deluding myself here?
I trust you guys, so I need your input.
Right, wrong or indifferent you are the one *****aps the reward or suffers for it, so your thinking of it's your body is right on. Every BODY is different so it handles things differently and ultimately you are the one to make that decision as long as you are comfortable with what you are doing. I am glad to see you are feeling up to posting. Hugs and prayers, Theresa
SORRY YOU ARE GETTING SOME NEGATIVE FEEDBACK ON THE MAIN BOARD I KNOW WHAt you mean , i got some about dumping this lady kept emailing me and saying you could not dump from a vbg surgery well i think i should know i am a 10 yr wls patient and she has just had her wls surgery she went as far as to send me several nasty emails for what reason i will never know i just blocked her and went my own way i enjoy the georgia board the best and try to post mainly on it ,go with what ever works best for you and everyone is different on what they can andcannot eat sounds as if you are doing super so keep up the good work some people just like to be so called know it alls ,and thr truth is we are all learning everyday no longer how long you have been in a wls surgery good luck and keep posting i enjoy reading your posts and GOD BLESS YOU !!!!!!!!!! best of luck, peggy
I had my surgery in GA so that is why a Maryland person reads the GA board.
I personally think you are fine in trying soft foods because you know your body and what your body can handle. Also, you are only a couple days shy of 2 weeks. Plus part of post-op in re-introducing foods into you system. I wouldn't try more than one new food in each meal, so that way you know if the new item makes you sick. For me, my doctor allowed soft foods 2 weeks after surgery and I tried a few things early because I just could not look at another cup of soup.
Also, everybody has their own opinion and if I were you I would listen to their advice and make your own decision. Kelle, good luck with everything, take care of yourself and remember everybody's pouch is different and your pouch will dictate to you what it can and cannot eat. Somedays I feel like giving mine a name because it has it's own personality. :^) You'll do great!!!
You guys are the greatest! I just wanted to make sure I wasn't deluding myself. I knew I could count on ya'll for the straight answers! I think sometimes some of the "old timers" on the main board just like to be preachy. Well, I'll stick to the folks I know for a while for advice and opinions. I love you guys!

Kelle - every surgeon has their own list of allowable foods, I've discovered this from posting what I eat and getting responses from people who are either way ahead of me, way behind me, or right where I am. The bottom line is you have to do what you can do. There are crazy people in this life, and crazy people on these boards! Don't let the judgmental ones affect you ... they have their own issues (obviously!). The only thing I would say is that when you put things out on the boards you have to be prepared to get all kinds of responses back. I stay mostly on the Over 50 Forum since I am an older WLS patient, and even there among the more "mature" ladies and gentlemen, we have a couple of whiners and judges.
Good luck with finding what works for you. Do try to remember to get your protein in, stay away from sugars and fats, and don't stretch your pouch. Other than that... you're on your own journey! Bon voyage!
If we were all the same, we probably wouldn't have these surgeries, because by now, someone would have gathered all us plus sizers into a room, and figured out what our problem was, and taken care of the matter...
For that reason, no one can expect that each of us should be in the same spot at the same time in our surgery recovery. I must say, I see folks who have had the surgery at the same time as I mentioning foods I wouldn't dream of eating yet, and while I may raise my eyebrow, what is the point of beating someone up with my opinion, when I do not know what is going on in their household??
That said, I think we should all be careful on this board to weigh the advice are given, and make sure we are thinking through what we are told, and not just looking for the answers we want. (Myself included!)
If you are feeling well, and you are seeing the progress you hoped for, and your doctor is ok with your choices, what does it matter what the folks here feel?
I think we just have to be careful what we ask, or we may not get the answer we want. I prefer to use this board for general information, comradery, and overall support. However, when it comes down to a particular situation regarding MY progress, I believe I'll trust the person I trusted to open me up and play with my innerds!! LOL!!
God love ya Kelle!! I'm so glad you are feeling well and doing well. Keep it up baby!! We love you for WHO you are, not WHAT you eat!!!
Although I'm currently in the early stages of trying to get approval for WLS, I can somewhat sympathize with how you feel. I have encountered some of the type you mention while attending a support group meeting. I'm sure that these people mean well, but just being post-op doesn't make one an expert by any means.
Thankfully, the co-leaders of the support group try to stress to all in attendance that what works for one person-doesn't work for another. Each person is different, therefore what can and cannot be tolerated early on will be different.
As these ladies have said, you know how your body reacts to different foods-you be the judge on which foods you try and at what stage you try them.
Best wishes to you and much success with your weight loss.
James Lamb
PS: I have a favorite term for those who think that they are experts simply because they've been to 2 world's fairs and 3 goat ropings! Probably shouldn't use it here though. LOL