hi everyone ,
i haven;nt posted for some days now ... i been so depress
sinced they cancel my surgery date ... do to dr family illness...
i do undersatand the reason and don't blame dr.... ,,,......
but my emotions are up and down........ thay have gave me a
a new date it is 07/06/04 thats not far away ... but i'am scared
to get site up again for something to go wrong agian!!!
please pray that things go ok this time ...........pam

Pam, I'm so sorry that you are feeling down right now. This journey that we have taken to improve the quality of our lives can sometimes be hard, but pick your chin up and try not to think like that. I know that it's hard but try to think postive. July 6 will be here before you know it and you will be a loser.

The time will fly by, jus****ch and see. Meanwhile, it would be a good time to get mentally and physically fit, make sure you have the items you need for post op like jello, surgar free popsicles, etc. And reading and responding to this board also helps. Gee, you have one more perfect opportunity to eat, drink and be downright merry on July 4th. Make it one you will not forget!!! Laura wls 6/8/04.
You are not depressed Pam, you are just disappointed. We have been used to giving ourselves instant gratification (that's why we're so obese!) and when we make decisions to do something we want it to happen! That's natural. Your surgery postponement was beyond your control, but it has given you an opportunity to get in even better shape for your surgery so that your recovery will be flawless! How lucky you are!!! You will get through the 4th of July holiday able to eat some bar-b-cue if you want to! (I had my surgery four days before Memorial Day weekend and the smell of bar-b-cue just about pulled my staples out!!! LOL)
Take this time to pamper yourself. Take long bubble baths, or get a massage. Walk a little longer than you usually do. Eat some yummy steak or pork and bypass the bread. Use this time to visualize the new you... it will come. One thing weight loss surgery teaches you (FORCES you to learn actually) is patience. You simply CAN'T eat something not on your list before your tummy is ready or else you'll be sick sick sick. Patience truly is a virtue and you will be so virtuous you'll wonder how in the world you ever got so upset about your surgery date being postponed!

Don't be Depressed, your now part of the NEW INDEPENDENCE DAY Group! There are now five of us having surgery on 7/6/04. It's only two weeks away and it's gonna be a GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can understand being depressed but please don't be, your day is coming and it won't be much longer!!!!! I will say a little prayer for you and keep my fingers and toes crossed that everything will go just slended with no hassles!!!!!!!!!
Best wishes,
Hi to everyone ,
thanks to every one for cheering me up it was so good to hear from all of you ... and you'er right the surgery date 07/06/04 is not far away i was just worried that some thing else would come up delay it agian i was so ready ! guess it's is presurgery jitters and for being a worry wart! ... i am glad to hear that others are going to have surgery on the
same day in ga. i will be praying for you all and to have a good out come and a speedy recovery ,,,, god bless you all and (((((((hugs )))))))))