To all post-ops
When will I (if ever) be able to take normal size pills again? I've been searching this site looking for chewable/liquid vitamins, chewable calcium, etc. I hate chewable stuff!! I was always a big 'pill taker'. I have never eaten properly (vegtables, yuck!) so I've just always taken hand fulls of vitamins to hopefully help compensate for my very poor diet. I knew before having this surgery that vitamins would always be a way of life after surgery. No big deal!! I don't guess I realized that I would have to CHEW (hence taste) the nasty things.
I would think once you hit your one month mark you can swallow pills. But check with your doctor!! When you are able to swallow pills, go with prenatal vitamins. They're cheaper and smaller than horse pills. I'm still having to chew Tums for calcium as I haven't found any small enough for me to comfortably swallow.
Hang in there...the pill swallowing days will soon be here!
I tried the liquid stuff one time. The rest went down the drain. YUCK!! I stuck with chewable Centrum (Wal-Mart) for a month or two with no problems. Now I take regular vits.
I also use liquid calcium CITRITE (www.wlssuccess).