Hi, Shawnna! You are in the very best hands, as far as I'm concerned. Dr. Gooden is not only a very skilled surgeon, he's also a genuinely caring (and FUNNY!!) man.
Overall, my hospital experience was ok. Having the ng tube for 24 hours wasn't much fun, but I understand its necessity. Having it IN wasn't awful - but having it pulled OUT was very strange and uncomfortable. Fortunately, I don't remember much about it, as I was heavily drugged. *l* The WORST part of the hospital stay had to have been two burly nurses twisted and contorting me for a sponge bath - just 12 hours post-op. Talk about OWW!!! I didn't see why it was so necessary, for one. And for two, you'd think most would respond to someone crying and begging them to stop, but these two women were heartless!! So beware of nurses coming to bathe you in bed!
Finally, I don't know what your starting weight is (mine was 402), but walking after surgery was AWFUL for me...Not because of the surgical pain, but because walking was already hard for me. I couldn't get the nurse who was helping me to understand that. My BACK was killing me, not the incisions! *l* I thought I was going to have to sit on the floor in the hallway.
My best advice is to just do everything Dr. Gooden tells you. He certainly knows his stuff, and he has your best interests at heart. You'll see him a good bit during your hospital stay (which also impressed me very much, as I've had experiences where I MIGHT have seen my own doctor once, MAYBE twice during previous hospital stays!). Enjoy the honeymoon period, as we call it, after surgery where the weight loss is very rapid (I was losing an average of 15 pounds a week the first 3 weeks, then 10 until I hit around 4 months postop). And remember that this is ONLY A TOOL. Use your honeymoon period to relearn how to eat. Believe me, now that I'm almost 8 months post-op, it is soooo hard!!
Your hunger will return with a vengeance, and that's when all you taught yourself during your honeymoon phase will come in handy. Just always try to stay strong and do the best you can.
Dr. Gooden will always be supportive.
Please stay in touch and let me know how it goes, how you're doing, etc. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers, esp. Tuesday!!!