I am 9 days post-op and I have had no pain and no complications (knock on wood). I do, however, want to pass on to those considering this surgery, some thoughts I've had now that I'm on the other side.
When I first started looking into wls I was convinced that this was my last resort, having lost and regained hundreds of pounds my entire life. The weeks prior to my surgery I went through "Last Supper Syndrome" big time... craving things from cheesecake to lobster. I went into the surgery with a very positive mindset and never let the fears of death or complications enter my mind (for long).
However, since coming out, I have discovered how much my brain was my biggest problem. Immediately out of surgery I remember thinking "Oh now what have I done?" as I watched the Burger King commercials, smelled the food that the nurses and others were eating. On my way home we passed a Chinese Buffet that my hubbie and I used to abuse (it was so good we always overate when we went there) and I almost started to cry thinking I would never again be able to enjoy a Chinese Buffet. Once at home, I resented seeing my hubbie eating like he always did, while I sipped my water and broth.
Now that I am almost two weeks out, I am getting a better handle on my brain, but it was a shock to me how much "head hunger" I was experiencing. I don't know how you can prepare yourself for it pre-op, but just know that the adjustment is more than just physical, there is a huge mental adjustment necessary too!
GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR JOURNEY! If I had to do it all over again I would in a heartbeat! I am ready to let food stop running my life, and I have taken the first and biggest step to do that. I just hope I can lose the weight everyone else seems to be able to lose! So far, I don't think I've lost much, but I've decided NOT to get on a scale other than at my doctor's office, to prevent myself from becoming one of those scale slaves ... again, it's the brain that needs the surgery!!!

Great post liz, I have heard so much about that and it is my only worry as stupid as that sounds... so many people talk about it , i dont know how we can prepare for it though. ... if any one has any ideas i would be glad to hear them as a pre op to try to get a little more prepared in my head....

When I had my first WLS doctor's visit 6 months prior to my surgery, I started preparing for the changes then. Quit snacking, watching what I ate, cutting out the cokes, learning to eat slowly, start preparing my mind that I'm going to win this 'food war' and other changes that I was expecting.
I firmly believe that having made these changes prior to surgery helped me tremendously. I'm 2 months out and haven't had any head hunger or starvation. I'm grateful for WLS and am absolutely loving not being hungry!! I would recommend not waiting until surgery to make the changes but to get into the new habits prior to WLS.
Good luck!
Karel, that is so great!!!! thank you for the reply, i have already started to make those changes with the help of a nutritonist that is familar with WLS... i hope that will help me too then,,, I am doing the water at least 64 oz and the smaller portions and eating the right food... i will just have to cross my fingers and pray it helps when the time comes... i really feel that as much as i KNOW... I wont REALLY know untill i do it myself... thanks again

I agree.....I am about 2 months post op now and to be honest the first month is the hardest ...And it is not that you are hungry or anything i had issues with wanting what i could not have ..YET!!...that is the key word there ....You will be able to go eat Chinees again and you can get the buffet and all ( might be a wast of money but you can) never say you can never have or do soemthing again because of this...That was the hardest thing for me ...All i wanted was to be normal again and be able to go out to lunch with someone and them not say can you eat here ...Yes i can eat here ...( i will jsut take the rest home) It takes time but once you are eating solids again you will be off and running and nothing will stop you .........I just went to Orlando this past weekend ( with my girlfriend that had the surgery two years ago) so it was nice to have someone to split things with but also she can eat things i cannt yet or i have not tried yet ( and a park is not that place to see if ice cream is going to agree wtih me ya know LOL ) so i was starting to get upset a bit and then i saw it ....It was like heaven sent ......I had no clue they made ..surger free candy ...Choclate at that ...And i got some of that and i felt just fine mentally .....I think alot of it is fitting in and not feeling like your different than someone else cause your not you just have to re adjust some thing.....But i did walk thru that park and i thought about what i ate and then i thought back to a year ago and was like man i would have had one of everything by now compaired to a hot dog minus the bun .......
But this is still the best thing i could have done and i would do it again in a heart beat ....I know this might be alittle jumbled and all but i hope you all can make out what i am trying to say LOL LOL

Liz, I read your post to my DH and he said that I had written it!!! He and I argued for a minute until I made him look at your picture, just to prove I really didn't write it. He was amazed, as was I. You and I are singing the same tune. Just curious, what Chinese Buffet did you used to go to? We went to the one in Morrow, Ga, over by Southlake mall. All the crab legs you could eat!!!! The head hunger is really getting to me. However, I'm trying to look on the positive side, crab legs are pure protein!!!!!!!!!!! So one day.......
Thanks for you post Liz.
Its Friday evening and you just mentioned "Chinese Buffet". I am three weeks post-op and am honestly not hungry BUT I used to love to go with my DH to the Chinese Buffet. I guess it is head hunger. Hopefully, one day after we all lose the weight we need to, we may be able to indulge once in a while. I called my doctors office and spoke with the nurse about my appetite. I explained to her that I am overjoyed because I am not HUNGRY anymore. I asked her how long I can expect this wonderful feeling to last. She explained that this lack of an appetite will last for about a year, She said that after that time, the old type hunger will come back again, but it should not be as strong as before. We will be able to eat again, but I read that the pouch does not stretch more than 6-8ozs. so that is encouraging. Blessings to you on your weightloss journey!