Vanessa N. is with Nat F.
Just called the hospital...Vanessa is with Natalie
Praise my BAF family...Let me just say we are a wonderful group of people...for her to leave work and be with Nat b/c she was all alone...I am crying...that is so so sweet...we are too precious for each other ...okay...Nat's mom is here from Michigan, but she is home with Nat's kids and she has no other family here.
Still waiting for labs to come back and one more test...still in ER
Vanessa said she seems more comfortable now...she was resting...bless her heart...Vanessa is going to stay with her until all is done and Kerstin will be joining them when she leaves work...I will call back in an hour and check on them and keep you all posted.
Tonya, from the GA board...thank you so much for are a sweetie--southern love
Just talked with Vanessa...Nat just finished testing...waiting to talk to doc...more than likely she will be admitted; hopefully for just one appears she has a blockage, but hasn't spoken with doc yet...bottom part of pouch appears swollen...Vanessa will call when they know more...keep the prayers going!
Thank you so much for keeping us posted! Sounds like maybe she has a stricture. I am praying that's all it is. This can be taken care of with a endoscopy dialation from what I understand.
I honestly wish I lived closer so that I could go tend to the children and let Nat's Mother be with her. BUt I guess the blessing here is that Grandma is in town...that's gotta be some comfort to the children with no other family around.
Anyway, if you speak with her please let her know that her family on the GA board is lifting her up in prayer.
Sothern love to you too gal!