Preop Testing today!
Where is the time going???
Well I'm excited about today. This is my preop testing day. Basically going in for those last few things with surgeon, talking with "Sleep Doctor" LOL then I'll be seeing my LE therapist today too. I haven't told many people, but my surgery is going to be added to the taping for MTV's True Life. I kind of feel better with them there. They came up to tape the testing tomorrow and then back again next week. It's a tight deadline with expected air date still set for June 24th. The crew is so nice and supportive. They are glad to give the show kind of an ending, other wise it was all up in the air about if surgery ever happened. They've already talked about doing a follow up next year. It's been great working with them. I'll let you all know how it goes later
Have a great day all! I so appreciate all the love, support and prayers! Love you all!