just blowing off a little steam
What an incredible week!!! And I don't mean that in a good way! I am so glad that tomorrow is a holiday! I don't think I could handle working one more day! ANd to top it off, I called my surgeons office to see if they had recieved my evaluation from the pshycs office. I was told yes they had, but they were waiting for my endocrine work up from my pcp's office before they could send everythning into BCBS of Ga for approval. I asked what endocrine workup was she talking about, because I had not had any labs done, and didn;t know about having any labs needing to be done. SOOO, now I have to treck back to my pcp's office to have my bloodwork done before anything can be submitted. UUUGGGHHH!!!! Why couldn't I have been told this 3 weeks ago? Oh well, Thanks for listening to me rant and rave! I am gonna finish my 1/2 coffee cup of Merlot Blackberry wine and head off to bed!
Hi Cynde,
Take a deep breath, hold it, now blow it out slowly.
Dont ya just love the head games some doc's and insurance complanys put us through? Sometimes I think its to see just how bad we want WLS, if we will "work" for it. Call your surgeons office and ask point blank what you need to get for them. Hope all goes well and keep the Faith. Hang in there it does get better. ~Sidney~ Open RNY 10-23-02 down 100+ and counting.