Help Please!
I am out of control with my carbs! I know partly it was due to my own self sabatoge. I lost weight so fast I was afraid to be super skinny I mean I am at 88lbs lost right now. I thought in my head that I would be the one statistic of the person that couldnt stop losing and looked and felt like a crack head. So i started eating more carbs to slow things down a bit. I know it sounds silly but I guess the surgery heals some things but my mind has to change as well, I do want to lose weight but I just keep thinking I never wanted to be really small. Now my Grandmother has had a heart attack and I am heading to see her this weekend. I am such an emotional eater that I am consuming alot of carbs (mostly from protein bars and greek yogurt..and i must admitt chips as well) I never eat sweets... HELP PLEASE!
I wouldn't be too concerned about the protein bars and greek yogurt. They are both sources of protein. Greek yogurt has become a staple for me and I never ate yogurt before..............never, ever. Don't start thinking negatively. You have done so well thus far. I never wanted to be really small either but you see what has occurred. Your body will stop on its own when it gets to where it needs to be. Eat healthy and stop sabotaging yourself!
Hope you grandmother gets well soon.
I met you at the clothes swap and you are beautiful. Please don't worry about looking too skinny. You would rock skinny well, lol.
I am pre op and it seems the world is falling on me right now due to my mother becoming very ill from kidney failure. My eating is out of control and I am even questioning having surgery right now. I don't have much advice but I totally understand the emotional eating. ((((Hugs)))). It will get better. Prayer changes things!
1st--Your Grandmother is in my prayers.
2nd--You are doing a FAB job. 88 lbs is something to be proud of.
3rd--Like you have stated, they alternated your digestive system, not your brain. For years you have probably been an emotional eater (as I AM) so those emotional "go-tos" are probably calling your name. Stay strong, refocus, and think of my "theme song" for life.... We fall down, but we GET UP.......
Get up girl, gotta get back on the grind!!!!
(and ditto what Celeste said about the yogurt, it has been a staple in my diet as well)

Hey Denise. I had the same concerns as you early out. I was losing weight so fast I thought I was gonna disappear. I still worry that I'll lose too much, but it does slow down.
Now, as far as sabotaging your DS, it's darn near impossible. I pretty much eat whatever I want. Your body will teach you to enjoy sugar and carbs in moderation because you'll be miserable with gas and potty issues if you go way overboard. A couple of cookies or an ice cream sundae every now and then will not throw you off track too much. Just don't eat like that all the time.
The main thing you need to worry about is getting in the 80-100 grams protein and your water and vitamins. As long as you do that you can eat anything else you want. If you do the protein 1st, you won't have much room for junk food anyway.
Now, if you're eating the junk food instead of the protein, then you definitely do have a problem and need to get professional help.
You know, you don't have to stop the nutritionist and psych visits after the 6 months to get approved. You have been through a lot with this surgey and some personal stuff, It might not be a bad idea to get a professional's perspective on things.
And, you can always give me a call if you need a friend to talk to.
Sending prayers for your grandmother.
Love Ya,

Thanks everyone. I really appreciate the kind words. I know professional help would be great but I barely have any sick days available from work due to having a baby then my daughter being sick ...and you know how itis with no family. I do have great supportive friends but you can only ask so much of people. With all that I am saying I don't have enough sick days or the childcare needed to even go to a therapist. I know God will see me thru. Maybe I an get some help thru my church.
I know your kids are important, but keep in mind you have to take care of Denise, so you can take care of them. If you are not well physically and spiritually, who is gonna be there for them.
There may be some evening or weekend appointments if you really need to go that route.
For your emotional onion peeling back Shrink Yourself or Beck Diet Solution. They are both cognitive behavioral books and help you to learn to talk with yourself between your trigger and your knee jerk reaction. Beck is great, but I like the Shrink Yourself guy a little better. But both are supergreat.
For maintenance (and for losing but it has been a great help during maintenance) is 10 Thin Commandments. He helps you to understand that there are not good and bad foods, just good and bad food HISTORIES!
If I have NEVER been able to eat 2 cookies and 2 cookies ends up equalling a bag of cookies plus whatever else I binge on - then it doesnt MATTER how many calories 2 cookies has - if I WILL eat the entire bag, see?
There are some things I enjoy OUT, and once a month MAXIMUM, cuz in my home they equal trouble, and stopping by the store to get me "some" equals trouble, those things are Lime Flavored Tostitos, house fried rice and pizza.
I have the chips (once a month max - cuz that seems to be all my brain can handle before it starts to whisper I could get some and just not TELL anyone which ya know? If i have to HIDE it, then I dont need to be DOING it) at party functions - and again, only once a month. We dont go out to eat much so I dont have the Chinese food or the pizza even nearly once a month - but I KNOW if I bring them home - then I will start the old ugly cycle.
You know, alcoholics have to DRINK - they just need to CHOOSE to not drink booze. Folks with food sensitivities have to eat, they just need to CHOOSE not to eat the things that cause them to binge. Its the same kind of deal. It helps you to see what is an okay all the time food, sometime food and keep it iin the box because once its out - your its ***** kind of food.
And the latest helpful book has been The End of Overeating. He really, for me, helps to pull the curtain back and show you the science behind "You cannot just eat one" that the food scientist folks are designing things to appeal to the junkie gene in us. its just been really helpful to see behind the curtain and realize that some stuff that I do not have "willpower" about has nothing to do with my willpower, just like meth, would not have anything to do with my willpower - I might just have the FIRST choice, to indulge - or not to - and the rest of it, is history.
Maybe you can find them at your library or on half dot com? They are really so very helpful. I will go through one of them once a month - because a huge danger for me (maybe for everyone, but definitely for me) is forgetting the guards I have to have in place!!
I pray some peace for you, and remember through is the only way out babygirl. True that.
Lashelle made great points about you needing to take care of your self. I just want you to know I will be praying for you and asking GOD to help you get through the storm. If you need someone to talk to, to yell at, to cry with, or just to listen I am here because I know what it is like to need someone and feel like you have no one. "Remember this to shall past"
Rockmart Georgia
HW: 315 CW: 117 GW: First goal 150 met 3/23/2012, Second goal 135