Happy 1 Year Surgiversary Curvybarbie May 9, 2010 !!!
Happy, Happy, Happy
1 Year Surigversary!
May 9, 2010
Congratulations on a successful 1st year. Can you believe a year ago today at this very moment you were in the operating room at Centennial Medical center in Nashville, TN, with Dr. Houston and the camera man. If only you would have known before you went under anesthesia that camera man was so darn cute, you woulda put on some lip gloss, right???
Girl, we were so brave to toss all our plans out the window and step out on faith and go to Nashville for our DS, but I am so glad we did! I am go grateful you and Izzy convinced me to ditch Dr. Voellinger and switch to the BEST DS surgeon!!!
We Atlanta DS Divas have been through so much together over the last year, and I love you for all your care and support. Whether it's a phone call at midnight to gossip about or DS or our men, or lunch somewhere downtown just to hang out, I know we'll always be there for each other.
You have always been a beautiful lady, but this past year, you have really blossomed into a true 100% certified DIVA! Congrats on your success. May God continue to bless you with many, many more years of happiness and health.
p.s. *You know we will always be Dr. Houston's favorite girls.
Love Ya,
Your Switch Sister