Need prayers
Well, I'm at a road block. I went to the pulmonolgists and was told he could not clear me now because my lungs are so bad I wouldn't make it through surgery. I was also diagnosed with asthma which never crossed my mind. So which I already planned to stop smoking for the surgery I now must do it to stay alive. I was prescribed lots of meds and in 3 weeks have to go have tests done and a week after that report back to the pulmonologist. So I'm praying with meds and lifestyle changes I will get cleared. I know the smoking is going to be hard to quit but I want to be around for my kids for as long as possible so please everyone keep me in your prayers.
Good luck! I just stopped smoking last week (for the second time), and it's hard but not impossible. This time I had my doctor write a prescription for Wellbutrin and I also used the patches, and it helped. When I quit last time (which lasted for 3 years) I quit cold turkey, and it's not easy. I've heard people say that Chantix helps a lot too. If you haven't already, have your doctor give you something to help. You can definitely do this!
I'll be saying a prayer!
I'll be saying a prayer!
I got the CVS-brand patches. They were on sale for 39.99 for 14 days. I think the name-brand was 59.99. The only problem I had with the CVS ones were they didn't stick well after a couple of hours, so I just stuck a huge band-aid on them and it kept it on.
One thing I've noticed in the past couple of days is that if I get hungry, the urge to smoke comes back even if it doesn't bother me at any other time. I think it's because I used to smoke when I was hungry if I didn't have anything around to eat. I'm not a big snacker so I had to go get some things to snack on that were semi-healthy. So it might be a good idea to have some snacks on hand so you're prepared.
One thing I've noticed in the past couple of days is that if I get hungry, the urge to smoke comes back even if it doesn't bother me at any other time. I think it's because I used to smoke when I was hungry if I didn't have anything around to eat. I'm not a big snacker so I had to go get some things to snack on that were semi-healthy. So it might be a good idea to have some snacks on hand so you're prepared.