Best roast
I bought a rib roast ..not the cheapest roast on the market but I have not been able to eat roast for a while. It was about 3 1/2 pounds..cooked it on 500 for 30 minutes then for about 40 minutes on 325. Just put montreal steak seasoning on it and a little water in bottom of shallow dish to keep juices from sticking. This roast was awesome! it was pink in the middle so if you like it done then you would need to cook longer and you would need to make a tent over it so not to get outside too done. I ate 4 oz of this last night and going to have more was soooooo good. It might be alittle more money but we dont eat as much now so we can do this..have better cuts of meat. Hope this helps
Hey Phyllis!
It's Kat from Jax! How are you? That roast sounds great. I think I have one in my deep freezer right now. Just deciding if I want to go ahead and cook it or save it for Easter. HHUUUMMMM... You know that bowling alley up at exit38 where we all met on our way to Atlanta? What kind of place is it. Is it a pretty calm place? Do they have games and stuff in there? What about pool tables? I am looking for a place to meet my daughter so we can do things with the boys. We meet half way and eat lunch or dinner often but need some fun things to do.
How is GA treating you? Saw a lot of rain and more headed up your way today. Thinking of you guys when the weatherman said the bad stuff was headed your way.
Well lady gonna run. I have had my ambien so can not be trusted to type a proper message after I take it. You take care now and call me when you are coming this direction. How is Betsy doing?
Talk to ya soon!
Hi Kat, I think I would wait on the roast ..if you fix it now then you wont want it in 2 wks. But do use the ribroast..never again do I buy a cheaper roast for us.
The Strike zone would be a great place to meet! If you are into gun shooting..they are building a shooting thingy across the street from there I heard.
Looked like we both got terrible weather yesterday. West of ya'll was really bad. we had 4 tornado warnings at one time yesterday morning.
Betsy is doing really good right now. She misses Calvin since he passed but she is picking up her life and moving on..she sets an example for all.