First complete day of me being at home, and I am hanging in there....taking all my meds as needed, especially the lortab....have been 'chilling out' and taking my naps...woke up from one a lil bit ago, felt like I had slept for hours, any my niece said that it had only been 30 minutes or so. Have not had any nausea at all thank goodness.
Oh, I think the reason why my PS does not use any compression garments or binders is because he has me taped very tight in the back. Think that I may have developed some blisters back there, but trying not to let those bother me.
Been wearing nightgowns while I am home, and that has worked out really good....Earlier I was feeling of my tummy, and my oh my is it tight...I never have had a tight tummy....that will take some getting use to, but it is definitely a good feeling.
Cant wait to be more up and about, but right now I will settle for 'vegging' out.
Congratulations Norma!! I know you will be thrilled with a flat tummy. You are in my prayers. I'm waiting for my insurance to kick in(just started working at my local nursing home as a nurse almost 3 months ago) so that I can get the ball rolling on mine. I'm so scared though. I need the insurance to file with my medicare so that I don't have to pay much out of pocket. I have good news though. I'm looking at a double wide mobile home and might go ahead and get it before the tummy tuck. Anyway, take care of yourself and email me and let me know all the details.....
Thanks Tonya,
This surgery has definitely been more challenging than I had expected, but it is definitely worth every bitty bit of pain.... My PS removed about 9 pounds during surgery, and I can definitely tell it. I cant wait to see the final result!!! He also did a right breast biopsy, and hopefully I will get positive results on that tomorrow. The lump came up right after I got my implants, so I hope that is all that it is. That is great about you looking into a different place to live..I know you will be happy with that...Hopefully you will not have problems finding a PS that will take your insurance....my insurance will not cover my plastic surgery, but hopefully your insurance will cover some of your plastic surgery....
Hello Norma:
That sounds great, I wish my insurance would cover just a little bit of mine, stomach, but so far have not heard from them. I was wondering, since I went to the doctor who did my surgery yesterday, for a check up, he said I don't have a stomach. Now what was you told by your surgeon after we had wls surgery. I told him I was taking multi vitamins and he said to take chewable flintstones since we don't have a stomach, that it just sits there. I find that hard to believe since I am 2 years out and been taking these vitamins almost 3 weeks after surgery. Now if these vitamins were not be absorbed in my body or does not break down in my stomach, why has all my blood work been great. Where is that nutrition coming from. Have you heard anything of that nature. What kind of vitamins are you taking. Glad your doing well after your surgery and you get good news tomorrow. How is that beau from OK doing?