on 4/4/07 3:28 am
Okay guys - I know many of you have not gotten into the exercising like I have - but I want to introduce some thing that I'm offering to this group. I teach Group fitness at Gold's Gym in McDonough and there is a new class that is being offered that is PERFECT for those who are just starting out with their exercising and weight loss. It's called Group Active. It's set up similar to a total body class - but it's geared to be a lower impact and lower stress work out. I'm sending out an open invitation to all members of this board to come try this class ONE TIME for free. Simply go to the front desk (AT THE MCDONOUGH FACILITY ONLY)and tell them you want to try this class. I teach the class on Wednesday nights at 7:15. There are several other times during the days during the week that it is offered - but I only teach the one class! (For now). Please -email if you would like more information about this class or any other informatiion about the gym and I will be happy to give you what information I can! I hope to see you all there soon! Dee Dee
Stephanie P.
on 4/4/07 8:34 pm - Chattanooga, TN
This sounds great. I need to get to the pool. Since I'm pregnant, i probably shouldn't be doing this group stuff. Congrats on the class! I'm so proud for you!
on 4/4/07 10:42 pm
Actually - quite the contrary....this is the PERFECT group class for someone who is pregnant! MANY MANY options available that are perfectly safe to do that will protect you and will be safe for the baby! Talk to your doctor and find out where he wants your limits then come out and I'll show you the options!!!! Hope to see ya there! Dee Dee
kimberly b
on 4/5/07 4:24 am - Perry, GA
Stephanie! Your pregnant?!?!?! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! I haven't been around much, been busy with work, the house and trying to get pregnant myself! lol Again congrats to you and your husband!!! Hugs! Kimberly
Stephanie P.
on 4/5/07 8:33 pm - Chattanooga, TN
Thank you, my dear. How the heck are you? I miss seeing everyone around here. I check the board every day. I'm due 11/2, but he/she will probably be here earlier than that. Good luck to your and yoru hubby.
on 4/5/07 5:01 am - Jonesboro, GA
Hi, I would love information on your fitness group
on 4/8/07 10:13 am - JONESBORO, GA
Where at in mcdonough???? thanks candy
on 4/8/07 10:16 pm
It's the Gold's Gym in McDonough off exit 218. Hope to see you there
on 4/11/07 10:45 am - JONESBORO, GA
is this open next wed.4-18-07 did not make this one candy
on 4/13/07 2:45 am
absolutely....come in and check out this class! It's a LOT of fun!!!
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