My Dad
Hi All...
You guys are always such a great source of support, when one needs a prayer or 2...
My dad (who many of you know had triple bypass not quite 2 yrs ago), has had some very serious bladder issues of late, as well as prostate problems.
They found a stone in his bladder that they felt was about the size of a marble. The plan was he was go in to the hospital Tuesday evening, blast away the stone, open up the prostate and go home on Weds afternoon.
The anticipated hour & 45 minute surgery turned into a 4 hour ordeal, only to find the stone was MUCH larger than anticipated. The doc broke 2 fiber optics trying to blast the stone, and had to give up. He now says it was a little larger than a golf ball, but he felt he got about 2/3 of the stone.
Weds & Thursday in the hospital, and then back in this morning, to finish the job. Dad went back at 9:30 and finally at 11:30 the doc sent paperwork up for us to sign to allow him to open dad up to extract the stone. (He had hoped to avoid this due to dad's diabetes.) He had broken 2 more LARGER fiber optics.
About 2pm, the doc comes to me in the waiting room, and hands me this cup with the stone he took out of dad. GOOD LORD. He said all total, this sucker must have been about the size of a grapefruit!! NO WONDER he had bladder problems!!
Now the problem is his lungs are not well, and they think he may have suffered from congestive heart failure during the surgery. NOW he's in ICU as they have to carefully monitor his breathing.
He will spend Christmas in the hospital.
Please, when you hit your knees tonight, if you have an extra second, would you lift up my dad? His name is Bill.
Thanks so much!!!
Holy Spirit, Only you know the innermost thoughts of our hearts, please Lord, help Tammi's Dad Bill, I pray Jesus as you are the Master Physician, that you would bring healing to his body. I pray that you would comfort them in this their time of need, for its in your Holy precious name, I pray... AMEN!