On the First Day After Christmas I get Banded!
Well, no one really knows me but I can't get insurance for the lab-band so I am getting a hernia repair done and piggy back off of that for the lap-band. Still paying the "big bucks" out of pocket.
I scheduled the date 2 days ago and have started fasting to reduce the size of my liver for easy access. Any suggestions on getting by the 2 weeks with just fluids? Every time I see a sign beside the road it is about food.....Time to go mix another liquid meal.
Date is the worst date.....the day after Christmas, but I will be back home late in the day.
Just wanted to mouth off!
Jon, congrats on your surgery. I know it is going to be a hard 2 weeks and it is a hectic time of year which doesn't make it easier. Just know that you can do it and you will be giving yourself a wonderful Christmas gift. If you need some support please fill free to email me. I will be happy to be your cheer squad! Take care.
that is great that you finally got a date booked ...What doc are you useing? i am guessing you are going to stay local and all? do keep us updated ...And i can not help you with the liquid diet ...i did not have to do that thank god and i sucked at doing it after surgery ...i can last a week and that is about it ...Soft food for me please LOL
Keep us updated and good luck you will do great
Hi Laura, I am using Dr. Henderson. The liquid diet has not been to bad. This time of year we stay real busy. The real challenge will be this weekend. I haven't told my family in South West Georgia and the food spread will be there.
You know William Todd? And I also know a friend who sings in the 1st Baptist Church choir.
Jon I am very knew to this also and my surgery date is the 27th of Dec. I can soooo relate to the sign thing. I keep telling my self every time I see a weight loss commercial that I don't have to try and fail again this comming year I am jumping in with both feet and can't wait to get started. Just think about how great you will feel 3months from now. When it is warm outside and you can move around with ease and enjoy the summer. Good Luck I will be thinking about you Rhonda