I really need help!

Hi Dorothy,
I feel your pain girl. I do a lot of things by myself. Go to hockey games, movies, concerts. I've been divorced four almost 4 years now and most of my friends are still married and have kids that keep them busy with normal life activities. I just decided that I was not going to let that hinder me from the things I wanted to do. At first it was a little weird but now I don't think a thing about it. In fact, sometimes I actually look forward to doing things by myself.
Congratulations, you have done wonderful. I understand what it is like to do things alone. My husband is in school for the military and is gone for two months. I had my surgery in March and he was my reminder...so to speak to do the right thing. This last month has been really hard. BUT I have went Christmas looking....see what other people are buying....I have volunteered a lot of time, that keeps me really busy and doesn't allow me to think about food. I have done things I normally wouldn't have thought about doing if he was here, musuems, festivals, things like that....right now is great time for festivals.
Good Luck,
HI Dorothy...it was at 4 months / 100 pounds down that I started struggling as well.
Are you exercising? I was SOOOOOOOOOOO sorry I didn't exercise at this point.
It HELPS so much. After you have done a good workout, you don't want to ruin it by eating AND it helps give you a lift.
I can ALSO relate with the no $$$$... Have you any exercise tapes you can work out to?
I know I couldn't afford a gym, etc... It's hard...but keep going gal.