Is there anyone here that has had any experience with Beech street insurance. My husband has it through the Ritz Carlton and I am going for my plastic/reconstructive consult and wanted to know if anyone else has had any experience with them. Also,if you have any tips on helping get approved please pass them on. Thanks!
[email protected]
weight 352/185
size 28/10-12
**Time is of essence**

Georgia Girl
on 11/29/06 12:55 pm
on 11/29/06 12:55 pm
Hi Kym,
My best friend who also has Beechstreet was approved for a breast lift as well as a Panniculectomy (removal of redundant hanging skin in pubic area)
They generally deem it medically necessary or not then refer their decision to the actual plan administrator. I personally handle and got approved Terri's procedures. May I ask which Plastic doc you are considering? Make sure that you have some form of records to back which ever procedures that you are having done, done.
Glad to help in any way.....
Crece Hare