The evils of Aspirin
I know that we have all been told that we can no longer have aspirin, ibuprofen and naprosyns (like Aleve) after gastric bypass surgery. Well, this is a testimonial on the evil of aspirin.
Last Thursday I got to feeling rather faint again everytime I stood up. I told my mom that I was feeling like I did back in August when I had my GI Bleed, but at that point had seen no blood. Well, by the next morning it showed itself.... AGAIN. I had started my new job on Monday last week, and after sitting through orientation for 2 1/2 days, I had taken some Excedrin Migraine. It has just a small amount of aspirin in it, and can knock out just about any headache. I hadn't had trouble with it in the last 2 years, so I didn't feel it was a problem to take on rare occasion. The doctors have told me now that the aspirin was the culprit, and that I can no longer have ANY aspirin for the rest of my life. Luckily I only had to spend 2 days in the hospital this time, and I know I have told folks that I take Excedrin Migraine without trouble. Now it is my time to warn folks away from it.
I'm still feeling pretty weak right now, but no more active bleeding. My doc is keeping me out of work at my new job for a week. Luckily, my job is safe. Please remember this when we are told to stay away from something, it is for a good reason.