Final Straw
I'm interested in knowing, what the final straws were to push individuals into considering bariatric surgery. For me it has been the increase in medication for my diabetes; as well as increasing health issues and joint problems. I fear that if I don't change; I will not be around to see my son grow up.
Thanks Lee
I had several final straws. My main one was my children. I found myself staying in bed all the time. It was hard for my to get out and do anything. I wanted to be active and do things with them and my husband. I was so miserable. I also had polycystic ovarian syndrome (POS). I had several clusters of cyst on both ovaries and it made things almost impossible for me to loose weight. I knew that my husband and I wanted another child. So in order for that to happen, I had to loose weight. My doctor actually recommended wls. On and the other that really did it for me was my mother. I know she loves me very much, but she either didn't want to understand or just didnt care about the POS. She gave me a pair of slacks for Christmas that she knew were too small for me. I had asked where she got them so I could exchange them for a larger size. She told me, "why don't you just hold onto them for now? It will give you some incentive to loose weight." I am telling you, it cut like a knife. It felt good about 6 months ago when I went to her house, with the slacks in tow with the tags still on them, asking, "mama, do you want these? they are simply WAY too big for me".
hahahahaha But things are much better now. She is happy I had the surgery and I have lost all the weight. Now she is trying to "fatten" me up! Gotta love her!!!

My pulmonologist suggested WLS. Last Oct a sleep study showed that I have mild sleep apnea. During the second study, I found that I can not tolerate the cpap maching. How do folks breathe with that tornado blowing in their face??? They tried the bipap machine, but it didn't stop the apneas. At home I tried oxygen to see if I felt more awake and energetic. That had no effect.
So the pulmonologist said I needed to 'lose a substantial amount of weight' to ease or even cure the sleep apnea. He suggested that WLS was a good tool to use. So, for at least a year I have not gotten a good night's sleep. I am soooo tired. If losing the weight will allow me to sleep well and feel energetic, then that's what I'll do. I'm hoping to have DS early next year.