Henry County Support Group
Good afternoon, everyone. I would like to invite you to the SouthSide WLS Support Group. We meet the 4th Tuesday of every month. Our next meeting is tomorrow, 10/24 at 6:30pm. I do believe there has been a change in our meeting room. But, I'll let you know that as you arrive tomorrow night. This will be our second meeting. So, please join us...we would LOVE to get to know more of you.
I have some protein samples to give away to anyone who is interested.
Also, I thought about a clothing swap. Of those of you coming, would you like to do that tomorrow night after we chat for a while? I'm still compiling information regarding topics and lining up speakers.
Thank you,

Thank you, Dorothy...I'm not sure how many to expect tonight. We may be meeting in the back lobby area...they need our room for something happening tonight. I'll make sure everyone knows were to go. I didn't bring clothes. I do have several protein samples to give away. I'm working on a topic for discussion tonight.
See you soon.

Hi Stephanie,
I'm sorry I was unable to attend last night's meeting. My husband and I traveled up north as far as Niagara Falls and the Washington DC area. Sure had a good time.
When I was there last month one of the gals talked about getting protein through sunflower seeds. Do you know what kind are the best ones to eat? Is this actually a good choice for getting some extra protein?
I will be going back to Portland the third week of November. I still would like to hear how everyone is doing. My email address is : [email protected].
Good luck to everyone!
Hello Stephanie
My name is Arlene and I also live in Mcdonough area. I am so excited to see that there is a support group here. I sometimes go to Atlanta on the first Saturday of the month. I have not gone in awhile but would love to come to the southside one. Is it still going on???? How is it going???? Please email me back with everything about the support group.. Oh by the way I had GB surgery 6/8/04 started at 283 lost 100lbs down to 183. Bad news though I have gain back 30lbs!!!!!!!! I started back working out!!!! So I need the support badly!!!!!!!! I think I gain back the weight because I pick pick pick alot!!!! I would love the support and to loose the weight again and plus some more!!!
Thanks again!!!
[email protected]