Newbie here
Hi there! My husband got a job in Northeast Atlanta and we will be moving there as early as January. I thought I would pop in here to find out if there were any support groups there and start to get to know you all on this board. I am a little nervous seeing as I have lived in Indiana my whole life. I hope it is ok for me to join here.
I had my surgery May of 2004. I am currently pregnant with my third baby (a boy) and before getting pregnant had lost 120 pounds. Anyway, I hope to get to know some of you before I get there.
The biggest change that I have noticed being 2 years out now is the fact that if I can't even finish the small amount of food on my plate, I don't even try. I eat to a point of feeling content, though that might not be much, and then I quit. Before surgery, I would eat until I felt like I would pop. I also look at food so differently now. I am really happy I had the surgery.

HI Leah, Where in Ga are you moving too? i am in cobb co. I had my surgery 2 years ago too and i am 7 months prego right now. I moved to Ga 7 months ago. its a good place to live. i love it here. How much weigh have u gained with the baby? Thats what i am having a hard time with is dealing with the weight gain. good luck on the move!!!
We are moving to the Chamblee area. I think that is in Dekalb county.
Before I got pregnant I had lost 120 pounds. I had to put back on 10 pounds of that to get pregnant because my periods were almost non existant because of my weight loss. I am now at 180 and haven't gained anything yet so far. I am 21 weeks. The OB says he doesn't think I will gain very much since I didn't with my first two pregnancies and sees me coming out ahead and actually losing weight by having a baby.
How many women can actually say that?