Update as promised...
When I finally got to Oklahoma City (plane was late leaving Atl 45 minutes) he was there to meet me. We did go to the Memorial and that was definitely an awesome feeling...to see the chairs there representing all the people killed in the blast...what was so sad...was seeing the small chairs, that represent the children. Each person killed had their own chair with their name on the plexiglass. We also went by the OK capital building, which had a Indian Warrior at the dome of the building. Then we were on our way to Stillwater. The thing that amazed me while traveling there, was that the ground there is relatively flat out there...you can see forever!!!!
Now, to the part that you all have been waiting for...everything went great...he loved me being in the boots!!!
When wearing them, I definitely get an attitude adjustment in my walk...lol The amazing thing is that after chatting with him online for almost 5 months, I felt so comfortable with him...I even showed him my 'before' pics, he was totally amazed at my transformation. Yes, he is crazy about me as much as I am crazy about him, but we do realize that we have some problems with the logistics (with him being in Dallas TX, and me here)...I cant wait to see him again and hopefully it will be before January/February...I just pray that all these things will work out.