GOT MY DATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations! There really isn't a whole lot you need to run out and buy .. I bought a few (less than 5) cans of broth, cream type soups (I LOVED Campbels tomato soup! one can would last me like 3 days lol) and some SMALL sample sized packets of proten powder. There is no point in trying out stuff now because your tastes will change after surgery and the powder you love now may be the stuff you cant stand post op. I would get a box or two of sugar free popsicles and some sugar free drinks like crystal light type stuff or propel. I love water and still do but many cant stand the taste of plain water post op either. I also drank a bit of fat free milk post op. Whatever you buy don't go out and buy a ton of it, trust me it will be wasted lol. You can always go out to the store (or send someone) if you run low but it takes a long time for a fresh post op to consume any quantities regardless what you used to eat/drink before surgery. If you think you wont be able to drink without gulping you might want to invest in a sippy cup or two.
I would seriously limit what you bring to the hospital too. I wore loose sweat pants/top to the hospital (you only wear it like 10 min before you change into the hospital gown) and I wore the hospital gowns the entire time I was there - just wear one backwards and one forwards and you will be covered! I wore the same sweats home. I would bring a pillow(for there and especially the ride home), chapstick, toothbrush, lotion, deoderant, a comb/brush, a scrunchie if you have long hair and maybe one book. You will sleep a lot and there is always television to watch while you are awake. Maybe bring a pair of slippers but I didnt need any - I just wore the socks they provided.
Thats about all I can think about for now ...