Henry Co WLS Support
Just a reminder that the first monthly WLS support group in Henry county will be this Tuesday (9/26) at 6:30pm. We will meet at Henry Medical Center in the Education/Foundation Building. I'll post a sign for the SouthSide WLS Support Group outside of the classroom we will be meeting in. The address is 1133 Eagles Landing Pkwy, Stockbridge, GA 30281. I hope you can attend. The first couple of meetings will be more of a get to know you type of thing. And, I want to know from you what you want to get from the meetings...so, be thinking of that. E-mail me if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing you guys.
When you were planning this support group, I planned on attending. We were moving here from D.C. but we ended up buying a home here in Douglasville and I am not a comfortable highway driver so I won't be able to attend
But, I hope that you all have a great support group!
Also, I am curious if you or anyone else knows of a support group near me?

I want to say THANK YOU! so much for starting this GROUP, this really means so much to me. I so happy to hear that you have been over weight all of your life as well, so you know what I'm going through. I know that I'm just starting my NEW JOURNEY, and I'm really happy about it. Thanks again! ( Dorothy)