Durable medical equipment

on 9/7/06 11:07 pm
Hello, again: I live in the metro Atlanta area ,and I am seeking to purchase used durable medical equipment in good condition for my sister who is also in need of WLS and bilateral knee transplants, but is in a holding pattern as a result of multiple serious medical complications not associated with WLS. Specifically, she is in need of a walker, bathroom equipment - shower chair, extra long shower hose, etc; and possibly a manual, electric wheelchairor scooter in excellent repair and other equipment to assist in making activities of daily living less painful. She is seeking used equipment because her insurance company is putting her through the grind about approvals, co-pays, deductibles and the whole works. Thank you for your time and consideration.
on 9/8/06 3:43 am
You can probably order some things cheaply off the internet. Try this website http://www.amplestuff.com/
on 9/8/06 1:06 pm
Thanks so much. I had not thought about Ample stuff. I will check it out.
Sue Rodgers
on 9/8/06 10:42 pm - Augusta, GA
The Goodwill and Salvation Army are two really good places to get DME really cheap. I have found walkers, pottychairs, and showerchairs for under ten dollars each.
on 9/9/06 1:55 pm
Thank you so much. Both Goodwill and Salvation Army are on my donation list. I should have thought to check wtih them. Sometimes, I just need someone to jog my memory!
(deactivated member)
on 9/8/06 11:44 pm - GA
You might also try Friends of Disable Adults...they are located in Stone Mountain near Mountain Industrial Blvd. Besides DME they also have clothing, etc. there. Norma
on 9/9/06 1:53 pm
Thank you. I will let her know about them. I have never heard of that group.
on 9/13/06 6:22 am - madison, MS
My mother has some stuff that was my fathers....I just ventured onto this post, but we live in Mississippi. I know she has a walker, wheelchair etc...but the only deal would be getting it to you in GA?? Let me know if interested. thanks.
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