Have you tried Lipton Diet Green Tea with Citrus???

kimberly b
on 8/25/06 10:34 am - Perry, GA
I have been "In Processing" all week long for my new position. Anyone that has been through it at RAFB knows how long and drawn out it can be at times! During one of our breaks, I went to the vending machine to get a plain bottle of water (I forgot my Crystal Lite packet) when I saw this new Lipton Diet Green Tea with Citrus. The bottle was turned just right for me to see there were NO SUGARS and NO CALORIES!!! So I thought what the heck?!?! I LOVE IT!!!!! I have sooo much trouble getting fluids down still, but this week I have almost emptied the drink machine alone!!! I saw at Walmart tonight they have another one that is a peach flavored. Just wanted to share the news in case anyone was looking for something "different" to drink Hugs!!! Kimberly
(deactivated member)
on 8/25/06 10:57 am - GA
Kimberly, Thanks for the info...I am definitely into trying new things that will help me get my water in...have definitely gotten burned out on Crystal Light Lemonade. The fruit punch is good...but it somehow or other leaves a red ring on my upper lip...lol Hugs !!! Norma
kimberly b
on 8/25/06 10:34 pm - Perry, GA
I have gotten where I despise Crystal Lite. I can never pour a whole packet into my bottle of water due to it being soooo sweet to me. But with the Lipton Green Tea, I drink it like a FISH!!! Also makes me feel like my bladder is the size of a quarter!!!! hahaha I went on the Lipton website and found out they also sale the tea bags of green tea with different flavors, might have to make another trip to Wallyworld!!!! HUGS!!!!
on 8/25/06 11:31 am - Duluth, GA
I LOVE it...but apparently SOME PEOPLE (my honey) thinks it's "disgustin'"! LOL! I guess it's an acquired taste...hee...
kimberly b
on 8/25/06 10:38 pm - Perry, GA
LOL you know, most of our tastebuds have changed since surgery. Like I was telling Norma, Lipton has Green Tea bags with different flavors. That way we can just make a pitcher and have it handy at all times!!! Since your honey doesn't care for it, just means MORE for you!!!!! I am glad I came across it in the vending machine. I would of never looked at it at the grocery store. HUGS!!!!
on 8/27/06 10:30 pm - Acworth, GA
Lipton Diet Green Tea rocks! I loved it before surgery ( Aug 23rd) and will be having one today.
kimberly b
on 8/28/06 9:43 am - Perry, GA
It's yummie yummie goooooood!!!
Stephanie P.
on 8/28/06 2:40 am - Chattanooga, TN
I love the Arizona Diet Teas....they are GREAT. You should give them a try. And, you can buy it in gallon jugs. It is really good. It is sweetened with splenda instead of aspartame. I don't do well with aspartame. So, whenever I see something sweetened with Splenda...I'm so happy!
kimberly b
on 8/28/06 9:49 am - Perry, GA
I haven't tried that, will have to make another trip to Wallyworld!!! I have heard a lot of talk about aspartame...but I haven't had any problems with it. I actually perfer Equal to Splenda. Which is driving my mother crazy, lol
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