High LFT tests.

on 8/17/06 2:24 am - Hiawassee, GA
I need your prayers. Ever since surgery my Liver Functions Tests have came back HIGH. I had an ultra sound of the liver, NORMAL.. I had hepitist test, NORMAL .. And August 14th I had a liver biopsey and I am waiting for the results on it. My PCP thinks maybe something may have got hooked up wrong during surgery. Which if it was, means more surgery. And I don't think Dr. Hobson does that? So now what if that is the case. I have $8.00 for gas for my car each month, and am having it hard to find rides to the doctors visits, I have 2 skirts and several tops. But no money to buy anything, and I have sold everything I have of value for getting back an forth to the doctors visits. I am no longer on-line so if any of you would like to write me I would love to hear from you, Lynda Aten, P.O. Box 131, Hiawassee, GA 30546-0131. And if you have any size 18 clothes you would like to give I would thank you very much. And pray that God provides for my finanical needs on getting to the doctors and getting my protein drinks, and vitamins. May God bless each of you and I hope you are not having problems like me. God is in control and I leave everything in His good hands, His will will be done. Thanks and always look up, and pray for God hears every thing we ask Him. Lynda 330/316/224
on 8/17/06 10:59 pm - SC
Best Wishes, Hopes that things will turn around for you both financially and health wise.
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