Dr. Duncan...co pay

A C.
on 8/17/06 1:19 am - Marietta, GA
Hi everyone, For any of you who had a co pay, can you tell me how it works? For example, I believe I have to pay $1000 out of pocket before surgery. When did you have to pay that? Did you have to pay it before you got your surgery date? Did you have to pay it in full? Sorry...lot's of questions I know Thanks!! AC
on 8/17/06 2:02 am - Northwest, GA
I didn't use Dr. Duncan, but I had to pay my co-pay in full at my pre-op appointment which was the Friday before the Monday that I had surgery. I think they all work about that way. Becky
Pam P.
on 8/17/06 2:42 am - LaGrange, GA
Great question! That is my worst fear right now. No one at Dr. Duncans office told me that I would have to pay a single penny....do they tell you that at preop....surely not.... Do you know other things like what he suggest you eat following surgery? When is yours? Mine is the 28th
Judy E.
on 8/17/06 2:48 am - Stockbridge, GA
AC I had my surgery a yr ago the 24th of this month by Dr. Duncan and I had to pay 250.00 co pay before my surgery. On you preop visit where you meet the anesthsieologist (sp?) etc. part of that visit they will send you to their billing dept. and they tell you based on the kind of insurance you have what you have to pay before the surgery. At that visit the hospital also tells you what you have to pay them for copay also. I had to pay the hospital 326.00 (and about 1000.00 more after the surgery and I had no complications etc.). I have United Health Care Options PPO (premium UHC plan). Good luck. Judy E.
Judy E.
on 8/17/06 2:49 am - Stockbridge, GA
AC let me add that my total out of pocket ws about 3500.00. Judy E.
A C.
on 8/17/06 4:00 am - Marietta, GA
Thanks so much for all the info. Judy - OUCH! I'm so sorry to hear you had to pay all that! I'm not sure about mine...I guess I could call BCBS and ask them?? Pam - Congrads on your date!! I don't have on yet....just got a call from Shona today so I hope to have one soon. I have tried to e-mail you about 4 times in the past but I am not sure you ever got them? I just wanted to chat since we're using the same doctor and probably have dates really close E-mail me if you'd like at [email protected] Also, if you don't mind, what kind of insurance do you have? I have BCBS.... hugs, Ann
Pam P.
on 8/17/06 5:02 am - LaGrange, GA
Hey....I wonder what is up...I got one email then added you to my list in hotmail....ugh sorry.... i will email you from work too.... yep I have BCBS you should have a date soon....pick one for when she calls you back! Im 8/28.
on 8/17/06 4:33 am
I hope my co-pay isn't a 1,000$ I guess it depends on the type of surgery you are having. I think my co-pay should be around 250$ or so.
Melissa F.
on 8/17/06 5:50 am - newnan, GA
I had no co-pay. I have BCBS POS and the only thing I've had to pay was my $20 co-pays for after care. Best of luck to you Melissa
~Kim B~
on 8/17/06 9:16 am - Griffin, GA
Hi! I had my surgery on July 31. I have Cigna and an out of pocket of $1,000.00. At first I was told that I had to pay that at pre-op, but that was incorrect. I just pay 5% of what ever the discounted rate is, up to $1000.00. Hope this helps! Kim
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