Kristi F.
on 8/16/06 11:37 am
My Doctor's office called me today and left me a voicemail that I needed to call and make financial arrangements as my insurance company had approved my surgery. How is that for finding out??? I had to listen to my voicemail a couple of times to make sure I heard right. I feel so BLESSED as I have read so many posts of women who it took multiple times for them to be approved and mine went through on the first letter. I am trying to beat back the naysayer in me that is just waiting for "the other shoe to fall" and to have something bad happen. Thanks to all of you out there for sharing your stories and giving those of us who are contemplating making this journey insights into the pros and cons of surgery. I will keep you posted!
on 8/16/06 3:43 pm - (city), GA
Congratulations!, and God Bless you. I am so happy for you. Please remember that you are about to go on a journey. Everyone has a different experience. I had a rocky start, but praise God, I am doing well now. I had my surgery one year and two months ago and have lost around 130 pounds. I feel so much better, but it has not been easy. Please give yourself enough time to heal emotionally and physically after surgery. I know that each individual has a different experience, but for me it took 4-6 weeks before I felt like myself again. I felt like I had made a major mistake having the surgery for weeks afterwards. But, with much prayer and hard work I feel so much better about the decision today. Please follow your doctor's directions, and keep in close contact with him if you have any problems especially. One of the greatest tools I had during this was the nutrtionist who worked with my doctor. She was such a valuable resource and I emailed her with any diet concerns, questions etc. Our doctors are so busy, so it is great to have other sources (like this website!) for help and encouragement. I will be praying for you.
on 8/16/06 11:24 pm - Byron, GA
Congratulations! I know that is such an exciting moment (even if you had to find out on your answering machine lol). You will have to post when you get a date Kia
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