Update on ME!!!!
Ok here is the deal ...finally the nurse got my results back and said she has never heard of this ( she did say she is somewhat new) and that i needed to come in and see a surgen ....So Next Thursday i have an appoiment since i am going out of town today ....So i guess i should know more on Thursday of next week for you guys ...But go figuer i would have the one thing she has never seen before LOL
well here is the thing ...I never got sick ....I never thru up ..Cannt throw up actually ...and never got full...I could eat none stop really ....So i kinda always knew something was wronge or not right but i was content with were i was ...Not happy but content ....But when i started to gain some weight i was not happy ...So i should have went back to the doc last year but i hate Duncans office staff ...So i never did ....But now i am and trying to get this fixed so i can be a hot mamma for my wedding next year LOL