After almost 15 years of infertility, I am elated to say we are finially PREGNANT! It's too early to say if it is multiples (scary chance when you take fertility drugs) but all I want is healthy. (and my mother doesn't know it but if it ends up being twins or greater she is MOVING IN WITH ME lol).
Anyway, my first OB appointment is this Monday and I hope he will be able to do a vaginal ultrasound to confirm pregnancy and it's in the right place, etc. (I had an ectopic pregnancy many many years ago which puts me at a higher risk for another ectopic).
Here's hoping for more good news to follow

James said he pasted by on the way home from work last Tues and didn't see anyone. It was after 7:30. We have been bad about going to the meetings and we've actually talked about going back. I spoke with Phyllis last night and told her your good news...she said to keep her posted. I know everyone would want to come together for an exciting celebration as this!
PS- To get in the building, you go to the side door, ring the buzzer and tell the attendant that you are there for Minimees, they buzz you in and it's the first door on the right..
I know you and your husband are very excited! I will keep you in my daily prayers.
My husband is talking about wanting another baby. If we decide to, we have to wait till February before we can start.
Please keep us updated, and I want to see monthly pictures!!!! hehehehe