I am depressed...
(deactivated member)
on 7/18/06 10:49 pm - Griffin, GA
on 7/18/06 10:49 pm - Griffin, GA
I have been in a state of regret, I feel like I really messed my self up. I don't feel good, I don't like my self and to top it off I miss my comfort zone, which is food.
I know that I am going through withdrawal and depressed because I am missing my one thing which made the way I was, food. I have a wonderful support system which tells me everything will be ok, and to keep my head up focus on the prize and remember what will be waiting for me very soon.
I step on the scales every morning and I am loosing lbs everyday, but to be honest nothing is making me feel better... I feel lost, lonely and sad. I am tired, still in pain due to the hernia surgery and pretty much been craving a pizza as well as other various things.
I know this is probably not the most "inspiring" thing to read if you are considering WLS, but the truth is I feel like muck. I feel pretty alone honestly, as well as pretty stupid. I KNOW the truth, I KNOW why I did this, and I KNOW I have friends and all the things rationally why I should not feel this way, but I do....I just can't shake it....
I just need to get into Phase II and get some solid foods maybe that will make me feel more normal. I am going to keep my spirits up as much as I can, maybe call some friends today, invite some over or something. I might try to get out of the house, not sure really what to do....I just need something.
I felt the same way after my surgery. I didn't think my life was ever going to be the same but after about 3 months everything kind of went back to normal. My energy was back, I was able to eat more normal foods and I seemed more like my old self just thinner. This is a major adjustment and it takes time. Hang in there because it does get better. Take care.
I felt the same way. I actually greived over food. I missed it so much! But, it does get better. I know it doesn't feel like it right now, but it does. Give it a few months...you will get used to this and feel like a "normal" person again!
and, we are still working on that Henry County Support group! Get out...it will do you good. Take short walks...anything to get your mind off of food. You will eat pizza again. I remember they ordered pizza at my office right after I came back to work. I actually went in the bathroom and cried! Then, I was angry at myself that food made me do that! I totally understand.
350+/199/175 (goal)
Miles? Alan? Not sure of your name but hi!
If it helps any... this is a normal process. You described exactly how I felt after surgery.
Try walking outside for a bit throughout the day. I know its HOT but get out early morning, early evening. Something about being outside seemed to help me. And sip sip sip all day long.
Your body has just been through, pardon my french, hell.
If you need an ear I am here.
It also helped me to read the bible, because of the calming effect. If you have something that calms you, do it! My sister read to me out of the Bible (she's 800 miles away) and to this day I can hear her words, I kept saying ..."you read something about eagles and flying!" It was Isaiah 40:31. 'Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, They shall mount up with wings like eagles,They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not be faint.'
May you find comfort this day. It will get better, everyday, I promise! Don't hesitate to call your doc either, there are things they can do medically to get ya through ok?
May you feel surrounded by peace, dear. You are on your way to a new healthy life.
God Bless You,

(deactivated member)
on 7/19/06 12:25 am - Griffin, GA
on 7/19/06 12:25 am - Griffin, GA
My full name is Alan Miles Fork, my friends call me Miles... (I am named after my father).
Hey Miles,
I love this name! I grew up with some Forks in Indiana, maybe y'all are related!
How are you feeling this afternoon? Remember one day at a time
Can you believe this summer heat? Computer is reading 99` right now! Too hot to even go for a swim.
I checked out your myspace. It sure seems to be all the rage! I got to see my sons and my nieces too. Guess I'm going to have to open one so I can access my sons pictures though, I just thought I was too old! LOL What you are doing on there just may help some peole you know? I couldn't read enough when I first started researching WLS! I'm glad you are profiling(? blogging, or whatever it is called)
Hope you had a great day. Please keep in touch!

Hi Miles....I know depression. I have suffered from it off and on for a long time....BUT the grand news is, it doesn't have to control YOU ....YOU control IT!
It took me a long, long time to know this...and medication what I take daily and am proud of it! It's simply a "leveler" of sorts. My doctor said it this way....You have a chemical imbalance. If you were diabetic, you'd take insulin, right? Well, this is like your insulin.
There is situational depression and clinical....Certainly your "situation" is traumatic as was it for all of us. You can see how so many grieved and felt the same as you about our food. You can also see how this truly gets better. Before long you'll be obsessing about eating TOO MUCH of your food! Trust me, it'll happen. It's all about balance....Consider this a cleansing time for you....your body....you're detoxing yourself sort of, ya know? When you get over the physical part of the surgery and the havoc it wreaks on your system your coping mechanism will be much better.
Hang in there. Don't hesitate to speak to your doctor about meds to get you over the hump! It doesn't mean you're a failure or less of a person. It just means you're smart enough to do what you might need to do.
Take care....and stay on the board. It'll help ya!

This is soooo normal for you to be feeling like this right now. I think it took a good 4 mos for me to stop missing the foods I loved so much. I know we are loosing fast at first but it still take about 4 months to really see the difference and really know this was the right decision.
The food cravings finally stopped for me, I guess it just takes getting your mind in the right place and getting used to the new way of eating. I about lost my mind before I could get some "real" solid foods.
Hang in there, it WILL be all worth it and it WILL get better soon!!
Judy E.
(deactivated member)
on 7/20/06 7:34 pm - Griffin, GA
on 7/20/06 7:34 pm - Griffin, GA
Thanks for all the replys I do feel a little better lately, I took the advice of just getting out, and it seems to work. I will continue to strive and work on it day by day... i know the first few months are the hardest, and I am not a quitter.
btw.. -26 lbs (2 weeks post op)