I wont bore you with...
I wont bore you with all the gory details... but this move was a freekin nightmare... and y'all know how much experience I have moving, so whodathunkit???
My ol woodhauler (78 chevy 1 ton van) threw a belt about 3 miles from the Savannah house... and it was Saturday, so auto parts stores that are open are few and far between... drove almost 40 miles round trip to an Auto Zone, and bought a belt, and managed to get it installed .... it was about 97° out, and the van had overheated a little when the belt blew... so not a lot of fun...
"I wont bore you with all the gory details"
OK.. I lied
The caravan took off again (U Haul truck driven by FIL, wife in her car, MIL driving her van and camper trailer, me in the van.... my pickup having already been driven here a week before...) and we got another 20 miles and wife calls me on the cell phone and says I am smoking a lot....
... pull over at a truck stop, and there is tranny fluid pouring from a fitting in the side of the tranny....
I call my U Haul Traffic Division, and am told there are no Auto Transports anywhere in my area at all... My only choice is to go to one of my dealers and get a trailer and transfer the stuff from the van into a trailer.... so off we go, and pull up to a dealer...and there is a Auto Transport... so we hooked it up to the U Haul truck, loaded the van on board, and finally made it to the new house at.... (drum roll please...) 2:45am
Unloaded the bed, the shower stuff, the clothes, and the futon for the inlaws... and we all got cleaned up and off to sleep around 4am.... got up at 9am, unloaded until we found the box with the coffee pot and fixin's in, and finished up unloading around 5pm....
The cable guy showed up today at 6pm... and awaaaaayyyy we go!

(deactivated member)
on 7/17/06 5:34 pm - Griffin, GA
on 7/17/06 5:34 pm - Griffin, GA
Well at least you made it, good deal.. get some rest.