Hi, I'm new and need some advice!
My name is Jasmine, I'm 20, 5'2", 250lbs, and living in south-southern GA (I say that because I might as well be living in FL.. :)), St Marys. My husband's in the Navy and we have tricare.
I've never really thought that I'd ever be able to be a normal size. I always thought passively that it would be amazing to have WLS, and to be normal for the first time, but I am not a wealthy person, so I thought it would be impossible. Just last night I discovered that there is a very real possibility that I could get this surgery, and get it paid for by my insurance. That's a HUGE realization, for someone who thought they would never be below a size 24. So I stayed up all night reading testimonials and advice and everything on this site basically, and then waited until the tricare offices opened up, and called to schedule an appointment with my PCP (which is on the 25th).
So I guess my question is.. I believe I'm on the borderline for tricare coverage (you can see the policy on my profile). I have heard a lot of conflicting stories--some saying they're strict about the weight cut offs, and others saying that if you are close to the cut off, that if you have an especially bad family history, or some other urgent problems (mental issues, physical problems but not necessarily serious "co-morbids"), they'll let you slide. Heck, I'm not even sure what the cut off really is.. they're vague about it and I don't really understand the chart I found online.
Anyway.. #1. How can I put myself over the line, if my weight doesn't do it for me? I know that I will at least be REALLY CLOSE to the line.
#2. Would it be weird if I put together sort of an "Obesity Portfolio" with my diet past, family history, problems, and expectations?
#3. Also, has anyone dealt with tricare/getting their surgery around my area?
#4. If you had tricare, what was the emphasis on your monitored diet history? I have not been to a doctor in years, literally, so I have no record of diets. That's not to say I haven't been on every one, though. X_x
#5. Last question.. I feel kind of odd trying it so young. Most people I've seen have established families/careers/etc. and are more mature women. I'm newly married, no kids, working on college, etc, and I'm hoping that my age isn't held against me when I go in. I've seen teenagers get it done, in fact a friend of mine a couple years younger than I had it done, but he was a great deal larger than me. Anyway, what do you think about the age thing?
Ugh, I'm so nervous but so excited at the same time! Sorry this post was long, when I get anxious I make lists and do research and ask questions to make myself feel better. ^_^ I just want to find out as much as possible about my options. If you got to the end of this post, you get a prize. :)
Hi Jasmine!
Welcome to the Georgia boards
I had RNY bypass Feb 10th of 2005 so I am a year and 5 months out of surgery. I used Tricare for the whole thing and they paid for everything but my Psyc. test. I started with my PCM and told him I wanted the surgery and he got the ball rolling. Basically he sent me to the onbase nutritionist who started me on a food diary and bi-weekly weighins for a few months, then he referred me off base to the WLS doctor Appel in Atlanta (who has since retired) and Dr. Steinburg (still practicing - awesome doctor). Their office, once they got the Tricare referral, got me started in the WLS program which consisted of a manditory seminar and clearance from a variety of specalists including: Sleep study, pulmonologist, cardiologist, psyc doctor and nutritionist. I had to have blood work done and all these clearances took quite a bit of time. I started the process around June of 04 so you can see it took a few months.
My only regret is I didn't do it 10 years ago! I think you are the perfect age for this
When I began the process, Tricare required a BMI of 40 or greater (mine was like 42) OR a BMI of 35 WITH co-morbidities. Things such as high blood pressure, back problems, joint problems, any organs like heart, kidney, liver, etc. I would also mention any gastric reflux (I had horrible reflux which ended the day I had surgery - completely cured), Irritable bowel syndrome, snoring/sleep apnea, diabetes or even insulin resistant, infertility -- basically ANY health issue you even *think* you might have - get it checked out!
I also did not have any PROOF of past dieting history. What I did was put together a rough timeline of my life and slapped in my diets in the times I knew I was on them including starting weight, and ending weights for all the attempts. I was most worried about 'medically supervised diets' because I had NONE but that was never a problem.
Best of luck with your journey!

Oh, and I checked your profile etc., and based on your height and weight I got:
You have a BMI of 45.7.
This indicates that you are Extremely Obese.
Your BMI is high enough to qualify you for bariatric surgery.
Your BMI is higher than mine was when I had surgery so it looks like your golden to me! (based on the BMI thing).
I am 5'9" tall and weighed 284 lbs at my highest. (currently 152 now which for my height is normal BMI). So, my BMI was 41.9.
The table below shows BMI value ranges and what they mean.
BMI Range Meaning
less than 18.5 Underweight
18.5 - 24.9 Normal
25.0 - 29.9 Overweight
30.0 - 39.9 Obese
40.0 - 50 Extremely Obese
over 50 Super Obese
If you or anyone else wants to figure out thier BMI, my profile has a BMI calculator link at the bottom which links to OH BMI calculator.
Thank you for your responses. :) I do have a high BMI, but tricare has changed it to say that you have to be 100lbs over weight w/co morbidities or 2 times your "ideal" weight. they go by this confusing chart so I don't really know what my "ideal" weight is. ^_^ I guess I'll find out though! Wish me luck.
Oh, PS.. When they sent you to the nutritionist, what was that for? Was it like one last attempt for a weight loss alternative, or was it just the pre-surgery diet I hear everyone is supposed to go on? I have heard from different people a PCP can't make you try another diet program before they refer you, if you meet the standards, and if they do try to and give you the runaround, to go to another doctor. (I'm afraid most of all that this doctor, since I have never been to her before, won't think I need it! XD)
When my doctor referred me to the on base nutritionist I think it was to make sure I couldn't lose weight by eating 'right' vs. what I had been eating before he referred me off base. It wasn't a pre-surgery diet. Infact, my WLS doctor did not require any special weight loss or diet prior to surgery, he only required fasting for 12 hrs prior and taking Milk of Magnesia the day before to clean you out.