Modean Ryan/Tami 2nd anniversay is today!!
Thanks Gal!!
I had HONESTLY had so much going on, that it wasn't until my friend (who took care of me) called and said, "HEY! I have been meaning to tell you happy anniversary all day!" I was perplexed, and knew I had just crossed my 4 yr anniversary at work, and wondered HOW THE HECK she remembered something like that, cuz I had completely forgotten THAT as well... "What are you talking about??" " had your surgery 2 years ago today!" I FELT SOOO STUPID! LOL!!! I have way too many things I'm juggling right now apparently. (The biggest reason she remembered, is my surgery was on her dearly departed mother's birthday...)
So THANK YOU for the well wishes Miss Sassypants!
Have a wonderful!!!