Walk From Obesity-September 30th 2006
Hey GA Gang!
We are here on this board because of a common factor, Obesity! We all know what the fight is about. We all know what the pain feels like. But most importantly, many of us have experienced the pride of our daily victories in the war against obesity.
Below is the link for the annual Walk From Obesity. It will be held nationwide on September 30th 2006. Registration for the walk is $25.00 Please register and help raise funding for this cause. A cause we are all so familiar with.
I plan to raise at least 2 times the weight I've lost, $170.00. What's your goal?
In Atlanta we need volunteers for the First Aid stations. Please contact me if you would like to help or if you know someone who would like to help. I hope to see you all there!
In good health!