thoughts please
Okay - I have to be a bit of a "show off" but I had a really super WOW moment and wnated to get your opinion also. I bought my first EVER two piece bathing suit and wanted your thoughts on if it looked okay to wear to the beach!!!!
All of the pictures are in my profile because I didn't think they'd actually show in the post.....
Your thoughts please
You DESERVE to be a show-off! Look at how far you've come! You are definitely an inspiration on this board!
As for the bikini-WOWSERS! I love the color! Are you tanning? I think it looks great!!!! I say go for it girlfriend!!!!!!!!!!
If you're unsure about wearing it-bring a one piece with you just in case! I don't think you need the one piece...

Thank you Sherry. My biggest concern is my legs. I need then done desparately....but I'm going to have a long up-hill battle with my insurance to get any of them covered.
Yes - I knw tanning is bad for you - but it's free at my gym since I teach there and I didn't want to be the whitest person on the beach.
I'm going to get a one piece - mostly because I'm in the process of becoming certified to teach the swim classes and they do not allow you to wear two pieces for that! (he he he)
Thank you for the compliments. I know you know how hard we wrok at this....and i do have to say I LOVE LOVE LOVE my new tummy!!!!!