Gotta have an EGD
Hi All
Sorry I haven't posted in a minute.
Life has just been a little crazier then usual , what with the kids being out of school and everything.
Anyway, starting Friday, I started having a strange pressure in my pouch. First I thought it was constipation, so I took Ex-lax on Friday night and finally "went" on Sunday, but it didn't relieve the pressure. Then, on Monday and Tuesday, I got to the point where three to four bites of food made me feel so full it was like I had tried to eat a whole 16oz steak in my little pouch. It was so uncomfortable, it was ridiculous. I called the doctor on Wednesday and they told me to take gas-x all day to see if that helped. It didn't.
Then Wednesday night, I had literally two bites of dinner and felt like I would explode (unfortunately, I have never been able to bring food back up). The scary part is I ate at 8 p.m. I laid down and woke up at 4 a.m. and the pressure hadn't gotten any better. At 10 a.m. it still was the same. Went to the doctor's office and they did a Barium leak test (that same NASTY test that we do the day after surgery
). The liquid went through fine, which I expected since liquids aren't giving me a problem.
The office really tried to send me home at that point, but I kept insisting that something was WRONG.
They finally let me speak with Dr. Duncan who immediately scheduled and EGD for tomorrow morning.
I am a little worried, but mostly relieved that hopefully I will find out why I am all of a sudden feeling so weird after a year of everything being PERFECT!
Anyway, I will keep you guys posted.
Talk to you soon!

Oh poor Valerie
Hopefully it won't be to bad. I had an EGD on June 30th for my nausea I have had for 7 months and the Dr. (grybowski) said I have reflux. I didn't go through Duncan myself because when I started having this problem, they did gallbladder test, said they were fine, then brushed me off, so I went to my PCP *****fered me out. If it hadn't been for them I'd never know what my problem was. You'll be in my prayers, and let us know what the outcome is.
I had the exact same scenario happen to me and had the barium swallow as well and now I am scheduled for an EGD on the 10th. The doctor told me I have a large hiatal hernia and I have a narrowing of the stoma at the intestines due to ulceration. (whatever that means) so hopefully I will get this sorted out soon. I went on liquids until the pain subsided and have been very picky about what I eat these days so I dont feel like I have a boot in my chest. Good luck to you and please update on your situation!!