Back from the BEACH!! WOOO HOO!!
Hi all!
It's been a C-RAY-ZEE month for me! Joe has had both knees operated on, he's still gimpy on the right one, but he's on the right road to recovery.
My girlfriend Jeannie and I took off to Hilton Head Island for a couple of days of R&R.
We pulled in about noon on Saturday, hit the beach immediately, did it again all day yesterday and got up early enough (5:30 am!) to go catch the sunrise. It was beautiful! We just got back a couple of hours ago.
I'm sufficiently toasty brown, and, I am SO pooped!! But it's a "GOOD" pooped, as we had a great time!!
I'm sitting here being lazy, trying to justify not unpacking! LOL! Just wanted to pop in and say HI!!!!
I'll update my profile soon and put some of the pics on there.
You were in my neck-o-the-woods and didn't visit???... just kidding... HHI is a ways from here, and you need to be careful around me now cause Joe can't catch me to kick my butt ... muhuhahaha!!!
I got quite a change of color myself... at Typhoon Lagoon in Disneyworld... I spent nearly all day in the wave pool... made me homesick, except it wasn't sal****er..
I will let ya be my guide on your next visit, since I will be travelling to the beach from now on... and loving it!