Becky Farmer... MIA?

on 6/18/06 8:45 am - Macon, GA
I have been thinking of Becky ALOT! I emialed her last week and never got an answer. Has anyone heard from Miss Becky? I miss her. Barb
on 6/18/06 11:25 am - Dacula, GA
I haven't thought of it, but you're right-we haven't seen her. My thoughts are-vacation...or She is a teacher...does she have regular internet at home-or does she post from school? School's out for the summer...
on 6/18/06 10:35 pm - Macon, GA
Hey Sherry, Glad to see you post, hope that means you are feeling a bit better! I haven't heard from Becky in a long while, since before school let out but maybe she's been busy, hopefully its vacation, like in the bahamas!
on 6/20/06 11:26 am - Monroe, GA
hi barb it is me samantha:-) Becky usally post all the time i hope she is ok . I sent you a pic of me an hubby let me know if you got it ok! :love:
on 6/20/06 12:04 pm - Duluth, GA
Yes, I've noticed, and have emailed her. No response. I sure hope all is well. HOW ARE YOU MISS BARB?????
on 6/20/06 9:47 pm - Macon, GA
I wonder, do you have a phone number for her? I'm really wondering about her, and trying not to be concerned ya know? I just hanging in here Tami. My pouch is nothing but trouble and now they suspect an ulcer and called me in some new meds. I am down, like a thousand pounds though Just wish I could feel good and and have some of this wonderful energy everyone talks about... I've got life to live ya know? I guess once I get some regular nourishment I'll feel better. Thanks for asking sweet lady! Now, how are YOU? I don't see you on this board much these days, I saw where work was crazy huh? Any plans on you and Joe moving, ummm.. closer? LOL Keep in touch!! love, Barb
on 6/22/06 8:23 pm - Duluth, GA
Yes, work is kicking my BUTT, as a matter of fact, I am working already, and was up really late last night working. I'm so sorry you are still having a problem with your tummy!! I was very blessed. What kind of pain is the ulcer causing? I know you probably are, but it's worth asking, are you taking sublingual b-12 or getting shots? That helps the energy whenever I need a boost sooo much. I hope you are feeling better VERY VERY soon!!! Joe is having his SECOND knee surgery next week. He had the left one done in May, and now the right one. Once he gets done, I PRAY PRAY PRAY that the insurance will approve my tummy tuck, and I'll be having that done in the next 2-3 months... Yes...things are going VERY well with Joe & I. We will probably move in together in a couple of years...I am working very very hard to keep my youngest in high school (brilliant kid, HATES school, so it's a daily push - we are currently in our 2nd year of summer school..ugh). So once he graduates and I no longer need to be in this school district, we will probably sell both houses and get a house together... then as long as things are still going well, marriage HAS been discussed. We are just not in a hurry... so we'll see how things go! (I'm pretty crazy about him still!LOL) Keep me posted on your recovery! You can EMAIL me ANY time!!! Love, Tami
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