Did anyone else hear? I was to have gastric bypass surgery done by Dr.Case in atlanta. I was told today by his receptionist shanese that he decided to stop performing gastric bypass surgery. I nearly hit the floor. That means that I have to start all over with another surgeon. He referred me to Dr. Clarence hixson at atlanta medical ctr. Does anyone know of this surgeon. Please give me some info.I am almost over trying to get gastric bypass surgery. I have been trying for 2 years. I finally have georgia medicaid and my doctors have deemed this surgery medically necessary. Please pray for me.
I am sorry to hear this. I used Dr. Maynard who is a great doctor and his a great staff.
Phone: 770-602-1292
Fax: 770-602-1296
1612-B Milstead Road NE
Conyers GA 30012
I dont know allot about Dr. Hixon, except that the Atlanta Medical Center is a Center of Excellence facility for medicare patients seeking the surgery.
I used Dr Hixon and really liked him. He does a procedure called The Fobi Pouch which has been shown to have greater long term results, we shall see
. If you have any questions please ask, I will help you in any way I can.
FYI Dr. Duncan also accepts medicare/medicaid I hear. A lot of folks love him here on the board.
Good Luck Chemberli.
Oh, and I just thought of something, maybe with a refferal from Case you won't actually be starting over, just continuing on. I'll keep you in my prayers.

My girlfriend had her surgery with Dr. Case and she was told that he would not be doing the surgery for medicaid/medicare insurane holders. She was lucky that she got through. I believe Dr. Case is one of the few surgeons that still accepted medicare/medicaid. Maybe he stopped doing the surgery although.
Hi I had surgery with Dr. Hixson and he is excellent. He is very caring and professional. If you have any questions please feel free to let me know. I had my surgery at Crawford Long so I think Dr. H uses AMC or Crawford Long - my surgery was 10 mths ago today and I have lost a total of 146 (316 - 170). Dr. H has been very caring and anytiime I have had a problem he or his staff has answered/call me back right away and most of the time it is Dr. H that i spoke with. My surgery was open and the scar is not at all as bad as I though it would be. Good luck with what ever Dr you choose and Insurance ( i know I fought with PHCS for about 10 mths but i have no regrets and would do it all over again with the same Dr)

Hello.. Dr. Case was my surgeon.. I was very suprised to hear that he will no longer be doing the GBS. I called and spoke to them in the office and Im going to see Dr. Case Thursday. I have sent him alot of business so to speak since my 2.5 years out. He even uses my pictures in his advertisment and my testimonial. So when I go to see him I will get all the info. and I will post and let everyone know the details.. I know that when something sudden happens like this everyone always thinks negative. I have had a close relationship with this doctor for almost 3 years now.. I consider him to be the person that saved my life. So hopefully there are reasons for him leaving that dont involve alot of drama.. Wishing much success to all of those Pre and Post op's out there.