I just spent 3 days in the hospital :(
Oh-my poor abdomen!
Gah! One thing after another! I started getting what I thought was gas pains on Monday. They were random and not strong. Well-Tuesday night they got stronger and closer together. By Wednesday I was MISERABLE! I still thought it was gas.
Well! I called the gastric bypass doctor crying and he sent me to the ER and ordered a catscan. I had to drink 16 ounces of barium...2 hours later, they threw me in the machine, did the contrast with IV, sent me back to my ghetto ER room, and came back a while later and admitted me. I still thought it was gas (this was in the middle of the night, so my Dr. wasn't there at the time).
So-the next morning, the doctor comes in and tells me my catscan looked HORRIBLE and that he referred me to a gastroenterologist.
The gastro comes in 5 minutes later and told me he expected me to look a lot worse...he thought I had either Ulcerative Colitis or Chrohn's Disease. I told him I had C-Diff. He told me C-diff is usually throughout the whole intestine and not usually located on one side. Segmented C-Diff was rare(colitis difiicile). He told me he had patients and would be back later to do an endoscope up the butt.
So-3 48 oz. enemas later, we went in to do the scope. I told him to sedate me. He had the nurse shoot some demoral in the IV. Things were great. So, after some lube, he sticks it up my you know what and I start SCREAMING! OMG...OUCH! I was really hurting. They kept giving me more drugs and eventually knocked me out. They ended up doing a whole colonoscopy.
I woke up an hour later. Of course, no one told me anything .I didn't even know until the next day he did the whole shebang of colon tests.
So-he comes in the next day, shows me the pics, and sure enough...I have C-Diff. So-ummmm, I can contaminate y'all if you don'****ch out. Or...if I don't wash my hands. Don't worry-I'm CLEAN!
Good news is that when my bypass doctor let me go home this morning I convinced him to sponsor me for the ING Innaugural Atlanta Marathon. So atlanta peeps-March 25, be there or be square!
OMG...what is going to happen to you next...I do hope that you get to feeling better and soon !!!!! Between this and your thigh lift infection, you have been put through the ringer...hopefully the thigh lift was on the way to recovery from the infection before all this started. Get well soon...
Thanks Norma! My intestines are starting to feel better...but my emotions from one of the drugs they gave me is a MESS! I must be on withdrawl from something. I wanted to cry all last night and this morning....and all day today. I wonder if it's the morphine. Anyhoo-makes me not want to do street drugs b/c I'm sure the withdrawl is 10x worse! Don and I may take a short walk this evening. I'm sick of sitting on my butt and laying in bed. My thighs are healing, but still sore 4 weeks PO. I missed my appointment last week with Dr Ashraf's office b/c I was in the hospital...so I need to see them early this week. I start my specialist degree Monday, and I'm a mess...they wanted to keep me one more day in the hospital, but I told them to send me home...I couldn't take it anymore! They did take good care of me though
I was at DeKalb Medical, but I think it really helped having a good relationship with Dr. Steinberg...since he was able to call in an emergency CT scan and was able to refer me to a specialist he liked. I'm just blessed that I bounce back quick! I can tell the meds are working. I'm soooo taking my Ambien tonight! I had an average of 4 hours each night of the 3 I was there. I miss my activeness, but I'm sure I'll get back into the routine again.
PS-You're so doing my taxes again next year!!!

Wow Sherry! Glad you are doing better.... did you have C-Diff before your WLS?
Anyway, never hurts (figuratively, not physically) to have a colonoscopy. If medicated right, it SHOULDN'T hurt!! Poor kid.
You know, as soon as I heard about the Atlanta marathon, I thought of you... I had NO doubt you'd be there!!
Keep getting better missy!!!
C-diff is one of those things that you just get...and you can get it again-just be careful with antibiotics. Too many eats the good bacteria...that's pretty much what happened to me. I felt really silly for going to the ER for what I thought was just gas pains. I'm glad Steinberg told me to go! I haven't had any cramping in a few hours-so I'm getting better and better!
Okay - I'm going to have to look further into this because I've been having lower abdominal pains a lot lately and what scares me is I know I still have some numbness (yes internally) from the tummy tuck that I'm worried can cause problems down the line if it doesn't come back. I will have my last appointment with Dr. A on the 26th and hopefully things will be okay to her standards. I'm worried about a few things but I think as long as I keep a watch out for them they won't get out of hand.
I'm so glad they found out what the problem was an are able to fix it.
If you need me you know how to get me. You'll continue to be in my prayers!
Dee Dee

Sherry, Ouch....
Have you been on Antibiotics alot? That might have played a big role in this ordeal....Your normal intestinal flora needs to be restored and then maintained.
I hope you are better soon.
Of note... Which hospital were you admitted to?
Sounds like a place to try to stay away from. Was it GMC? just curious....
Wishing you strength, comfort, and luck in recovery,
best wishes and hugs,