A way to ge****er in...
For those who are having problems like I am. I bought the Rival Ice Shaver for 24.96 at wal-mart and it's awesome. It shaves up to 18 oz. at a time. I bought the sugar free blue rasberry flavoring and it's yummy. So for those of you having problems getting tha****er in, I highly recommend this.
The flavoring I got at wal-mart as well, at it's in the same section as the Rival Ice Shaver. It's at the super center and they are all different, but at the one here it was on the nn groc side, as you go in, go straight back and it was like the 2nd Isle (not marked) on the left............It was with the snow cone machines etc. I've already had more since this post and let me tell you YUMMMMMMMMMMY
Sassy, lol......I know what you mean on the water situation, some days I only get in 16 and what I normally do is pinch the top of my hand to see if it stays in that position or goes down pretty quick to see if I'm dehydrated. my MIL is a retired nurse and she said that's the way they used to check people. I think you will love it though. Only if I could find more SF syrups

Your haircut and mine, we could be sisters! I need to post a new picture and you will see! And I'm feeling a bit sassy these days! LOL
I went and bought the machine tonight and we only carried the sugar free cherry. I love blue raspberry, do you wanna swap a bottle? Let me know.
Also, can you tell me what the top of the hand is supposed to do? Mine doesn't stay up at all. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I've spent the day really pushing fluids (watered down sugar free lime aide) and I'm not focusing on trying to get food in so much. Man what a struggle!
Have you had your egd yet?
Let me know about a syrup swap

Are you sure yours was the rival Ice shaver, my lid comes off the top and then you screw it back down and turn. I'll take a picture and send it to your through e-mail. I go in for my upper endoscopy test on june 30th. I don't care for the cherry syrup but if you want I can purchase the blue raspberry and send to you........Just let me know.
I'll private mail you the pic of my Rival
Thanks Kristie, I now know that's what she was talking about, hehehe. What you do is pinch the top of your hand if it goes down right away you're not dehydrated, but if it stays in place a bit before going down you are getting/are dehydrated. Hope you were able to get that shaver, I love mine.