Free informational seminar Savannah July 8
Information session
What Information session
When 07/08/06, 10:00 AM
Where Pooler, Ga
Address Holiday Inn Savannah/Pooler 103 San Drive
Directions Holiday Inn at exit 102 off of I- 95. It is behind the Burger King. The address is: 103 San Drive Pooler, GA 31322
Description This general information meeting is free for individuals interested in Gastric Bypass or Lap-Band surgery. Meet the Doctor, learn more about the procedures and if interested, pick up a patient information packet to begin the process of determining whether you are a candidate for surgery. You must call to reserve a seat for each person attending. Thank you.
Contact Phone 912-264-9724 or 1-866-459-5483
Contact Person Dana Sineath
Contact Email [email protected]