Liver Function
Hi Everyone,
Ok I have a question for all you year+ post ops.....I went to Dr. about a month ago and he did his usual blood work stuff...when I got the results back he had a note on there that my liver function is abnormal and to come back in a month (I have to be there tomorrow at 7am) to have blood work done again..has anyone ran into this? What was the outcome? I will be 1yr out next month down about 140+lbs everything has been great since(no diabetes, complete 360 on all cholestral(sp?) stuff) I take by B12 inject every month(he incresed this to 2x per month), I have been doing great on protein and exercise. He said to stay aways from advil, motrin and liquor(I have dont take the pills and havent had a drink in months)
Just wondering if I need to prepare myself for bad news or if it could be some kind of fluke...
thanks Erica

Right after my surgery I had a problem with elevated liver levels and they were rising rapidly over a two week period so they sent me for a CT scan of hte entire abdomin and ran more blood test and never found any cause. The CT scan said there was gall bladder sludge in the liver but this all cleared up on its own. This was in the first few weeks after my surgery. I have had more blood work since then no problems, just went Monday for annual physical with my internist I am actually only 9 mos. post op but I do not have results of this blood work yet but do not expect any problems.
Hopefully yours will clear up on its own, they will jus****ch you for a while to be sure the levels go down.
Judy E.
I had surgery March 31, 2004 and Dec. 29 2004 I had pain in my stomach so bad I stayed in the hospital for 2 days. They never did know what caused the pain, but my liver function was not right . I went to a gastroenterologist (?) and he did liver test and all kinds of scans and never found a thing. This went on for about 6 months. I've not had the pain since and my liver function is okay now. So more than likely you'll be fine !! I pray you will. Judy