Need Advice .........and BE HONEST !!!
OK i have found my wedding dress ...Well i have found the one i am in love with...Ok so i am getting married next May so i have a year just about....Ok here is the deal ...the dress i want is 600.00 which is more than i want to spend but i am in love with it ...So i just found the same dress on Ebay for 130.00 with shipping ...But it is a size 16 and right now i am a 18/20. My question is do you all think it is worth me getting it now and just busting my butt to fit into it ...??? I mean it is just a few sizes and my best friend thinks i can ...She thinks if i have a goal like that i will do it ....What do you all think ...and then i was thinking if i dont fit then i only lost 130.00 ......I need ADVICE !!!!
ok i did the mesurments and i need to lose 10 inches in the waist i think ...Or right around there ..Which is the amount i want to lose anyways i am not sure that is kinda scarring me but at the same time that is giving me movation to go ahead and get it if i can get it for my price ...People are starting to bid on it dang it
I it Laura....the worst case scenario is that you'd have to buy another "cheaper" dress that fit...maybe it wouldn't be the "dream dress"....but could be a wonderful 2nd choice. Trust a month after the wedding, you're not gonna give two hoots and a holler about which dress you married in, because you're going to be equally beautiful regardless. Don't get caught up in I *have* to have this or that. Use your head woman, save your money...and lose the weight....Paying for a personal coach would be money as well spent as an additional 300 for the dress in my humble opinion. I'm older and wiser.
Another question...can this dress be altered in anyway? Do you know a seamstress that does good work. I've heard of small panels being added to dresses, etc. Shree's advice is great....just list it again and resale the thing.

Laura....10" in the waist is a lot hon...but if those are actual measurements, you can probably take off at least 2-3 with a waist cincher couldn't ya? That would seem to make the weight loss more manageable.
The thing you have to do is NOT beat yourself up if you DON"T make it...just have a plan B....but think you butt off, like you said. You can do this woman!

Well i did think that i mean if i could lose at least 5 or so i can get a cincher an mabey that would work too ..I think someone totally have the bid super high so i might have to pass on it ..But i think i am going to start trying to lose this weight ..I have gained 25 pounds an di have no clue how ... I need to start working out BIG TIME ...No more weight gain for me that is for sure .....and i wnat to look good next year in my pictuers ....
Thanks for the support ..I cannt beat myself up if i do that i will get depressed and then eat and the gain for weight ...See it is such a evil cycle ....Man oh man..But i am going to bust my butt
I need a work out buddie i think that would help !!!