June 23rd ROCKY HORROR--Midnight Movie
Hey Everyone:
Just wanted to post a reminder announcement so ya'll can plan accordingly....
The Rocky Horror Picture Show outing is scheduled for Friday, June 23rd!!!
I think we should meet for dinner around 8pm somewhere nearby like Manuels Tavern and eat and hang out. Then venture on over to the theatre. The movie house is located downtown on Ponce de leon and tickets are $6.75. Here is a useful link www.lipsdownondixie.com
Let me hear from you if you wanna come out and play!
Let's do the time warp again....
Kelly S

I was SO hoping dan and i could come to this---but
---as it turns out- this is the date that Dr. Duncan set up for my endoscopy and i'm not so sure I'll be feeling up to going out and partying that night---anesthesia makes me way sick.
Sorry- ya'll have fun and promise me we'll do it again some time! Hugs!