8 days post~op & feel like sh*t!
Help!!! I am having a hard time keeping anything down. I eat and then I get gas extremely bad and belch so bad that I vomit. This doesn't feel natural at all and I am tired of throwing up. I was told that I would have gas from the other end... (ha) but I don't at least not yet... I am just tired of feeling tired & weak.

I went through the same feelings Jamie, you probably just need some more healing time. I rocked in a chair and walked and got rid of the the stomach pains. Mine did not feel like a gas pain like I need to pass gas but it was painful, and didn't come out the other end! But you do need to call your doctor, today, about the vomitting. If you can get some fluids in, thats the most important thing right now. And if you can keep them down you are probably ok, just needing that healing time. Let me know what the doc says.
Take care hon, the tired and weak feeling will get better, I promise

Hi Jamie,
I wanted to write to see how you were feeling. My surgery was the day before yours. I am glad that I've not thrown up at all, but I did have a hard first 10 days---lots of pain, discomfort and was so weak and no energy. I'm feeling MUCH better now at Day 14!
How about you? Are you able to keep food down? Are you being very careful with what you eat and then eating teeny-tiny bites chewed very well? (That's been hard for me to remember to do!!)
Hang in there,
LAP RNY/May 22