I have a date !!!!
Well...after a lot of problems,I finally have a date. irst off..today marks one month since I lost my Mother. Had to go back to Texas,and since I was her only living child I had to deal with all of it alone. But,I made it through and while I was there,my husband called me and said the doctor's office needs you to call them,and when I did..I had been approved. Then I had to deal with the ins some more on getting my surgeon approved to be paid as if he were in network ( he's not with any ins company) and last Fri. his office called and said they had gotten the letter from Aetna and he was approved,so my surgery is set for Tuesday,July 11th !!!
No more tossing and turning at night,worrying about all of it !!!

Congratulations on getting that date!!! This time dragged by and then flew by very quickly...and you will be excited and nervous all at the same time...and you will doubt yourself and know it in your heart, that you have made the right decision. All of these things are perfectly normal !!!!!!!!!!!!! See you on the other side in 'loserville' !!!!!!!!!!!!